Our Products

When the Australian dream comes true…

Welcome to the Guava Bay website, dedicated to premium 100% Mulberry silk products! If you’re seeking a luxurious and beneficial experience for your skin and hair, you’ve come to the right place. Learn why choosing our 100% Mulberry silk 30mm pillowcases, 30mm nightcaps, and 30mm scrunchies can make a remarkable difference in your skincare and haircare routine.

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Advantages of 100% Mulberry Silk Products

Our 100% Mulberry silk 30 momme pillowcases offer a soft and smooth surface that minimizes friction while you sleep. This can help prevent creases and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking fresh and youthful.

Our 100% Mulberry silk 30 momme pillowcases reduce friction, effectively decreasing breakage and tangles in your hair. Our 100% Mulberry silk 30 momme nightcaps also help retain your hair’s natural moisture, resulting in softer and more radiant locks.

Renowned for its softness and delightful feel against the skin, 100% Mulberry silk is a superior choice. Our 100% Mulberry silk 30 momme scrunchies add both comfort and elegance to your daily hairstyle.

Our 100% Mulberry silk products possess the remarkable ability to regulate body temperature, ensuring you stay cool in summer and warm in winter. Enjoy a tranquil and comfortable sleep throughout the year.

Naturally resistant to dust mites and allergens, Guava Bay silk product is an exceptional option for those with skin sensitivities or allergies.

We firmly believe that every moment of your day deserves a touch of luxury. Guava Bay products are meticulously crafted to bring an unparalleled experience to your daily routine. Explore our collection and treat yourself to the extraordinary comfort and benefits of 100% Mulberry silk.

100% Mulberry silk 30Momme

By selecting our brand, including our silk pillowcases, nightcaps, and scrunchies, you’re investing in your well-being. Join the ranks of those who have already uncovered the remarkable benefits of 100% Mulberry silk and transform your skincare and sleep routine today.